Imagine our own dear child, son or daughter is taken away by some invader and made to work in bondage/slavery without any mention of his/ her being dead or alive for years, how will the devastated parents feel? When invaders through Khyber pass used to come and take away our men and women as slaves how the blood of those that remained behind boiled? In the end their progeny put an end to Khyber escapades. Whatever has happened in the land of Punjab has become a part of our prayers and our breadth. We have primarily/ basically started thinking about freedom and an end to all wars and destruction.
The kind of education imparted in our schools and colleges and the people who thus get busy in their personal/ professional life and spend only tiny fraction of their time to understanding the story of ‘human’ can not comprehend the business of slavery. People of all religions (keeping their own kith and kin in mind) offer prayers for universal peace and well being only as a lip service. They do not have a broad vision. Sometimes there is a news that so many bonded labourers were set free from some place in India that included so many women and children But we have become so immune/insulated that we do not spare a second thought for such bonded/enslared people mentioned in the news.
The business of slave-trading had attained such heights that we can’t even imagine about it. The poineers of this trade are those countries who revel in getting control of far-off nations. While they induge in barbaric activities, the same nations boast of being most civilized and claim of using their money and sacrificing their army to enlighten the dark, uncivilized nations.
In August 1492, Christopher Columbus steered his ship towards America after taking a loan of Rs. 40 lakh according to today’s currency. He had five Jews with him who called themselves Christians. One of them was a Dr. Calleo Bemaal. On his advice, Columbus picked up 500 native Americans to be sold in Spain on his journey back from America. Jews got the money and Columbus was sent to jail for fraud and treachery. So this trade of prisoners/slaves started from America.
Heman Levy, a Jew decided to trade with American Indians. He would carry glass beads, strings, earrings and some more knick knack and in barter get soft fleshed human beings/slave. After this he started selling rum and whisky and in Newport he managed to set up 22 factories of alcohol which were all owned by Jews. Newport thus later became a trade center and a hub of trade of black slaves. They were brought across the seas and sold for good money. According to one report in one year out of 128 sea-ships, 120 ships laden with black slaves belonged to Jews. Trade of slaves increased to such an extent that they opened business centers in Boston, Charleston and Baltimore. Jews became so powerful that President George Washington too went to meet them. Till that time Jews could not become American citizens. After American revolution, Jews got equal civil rights. However after declaration of freedom, black people brought from other countries were ignored and the salve trade continued.
Time dims the details of any story but if we pick up any Jewish writing of that time full of joy and enthusiasm as a sample, the picture becomes clear. Oren Lopez’s ship ‘Abigail’  had a crew of eight and started journey in May 1752. It carried 9000 gallons of rum, numberless chains for human hands and feet, a few pistols, swords and some cheap quality tin ornaments. The captain of ship was a Jew, Freidman. After 45 days this ship reached an African harbour where a Jewish agency was operating right up to dense jungles and remote villages of Africa. Black leaders were bought off in the same manner as earlier the Indian Americans.
African blacks had been gathered at the behest of their own ‘bought’ leaders. They were all offered rum which was highly intoxicating. First of all, in lieu of rum, gold and ivory was taken and then their wives and children were also bought with rum. Black pimps and leaders were gifted weapons and rum so that they continue to bring more blacks for trade.
The entire business was conducted in the heart of Africa. Imprisoned blacks were lined up in two rows, chained and set off on a journey through jungles to reach a seashore which took several weeks. To keep the rows of prisoners moving, heavy hunters/whips were used. These who collapsed were left to be eaten by wild animals. The entire passage was littered with human skeletons.
      After gruesome journey through jungles, three months sea-travel still remained. As soon as they reached the shore, they were hand cuffed, feet tied with long chains to wait for the next coming ship. The captain of the ship personally examined each limb and part of prisoner’s body including teeth. If there was any physical problem, the price/rate of the prisoner plummeted. One black could be bought with 100 gallons of rum, 20 dollars or 100 pounds of explosive. Women virgins or pregnant were also price-tagged. Above 25 years of age woman’s rate was 20% less then the younger ones. These prisoners bought here for 20-40 dollars were sold at a very high price in America.
The story of this barbarism does not end but begins here. We should not give it up in the middle. It’s time to face this ugly practice that has been in prevalence for many centuries.
After the purchase of slaves Captain Freidman had a lot to do. First the prisoners’ heads were shaved off. Then they were branded with hot iron rods on their backs or thighs with an identification number and thus became the sole property of Jewish ownership. Out of bought families, men and women were separated. How traumatic and heart rending this could be we can very well imagine. On African land, The last day was considered a day of celebration.
For carrying prisoners from sea shore to the ship, 4-6 small boats were used. If anyone tried to flee instead of quietly sitting in the boat, he was torn to pieces by dogs and if anyone tried to jump off  the boat to be free both his legs were cut-off and thrown away in full view of others. In this manner it was ensured that all is well.
On boarding the ship prisoners were divided into 3 categories: Men on one side, women on the other out of which beautiful ones were kept near the captain’s cabin and children were kept on the deck and were given clothes to cover themselves. The area for keeping prisoners was only one metre high. Naked prisoners were brought packed like sardines; all were chained and they were to stay there for three long months surrounded by their own urine and excreta. The same was the case with women. Pregnant women gave birth to children in the same state. Young woman were raped repeatedly and in this way half white children came into being on the land of America!
When the ship reached Verginia or any other southern harbour, the prisoners were auctioned. The highest bidders would carry their possessions. If someone was unwell or unserviceable due to the sea journey no one bought him/her. Jew doctors bought them off for peanuts, treated them and then sold them for high profit. Slaves could be bought only by white Americans.
In Newport city alone 4697 captive Africans were sold In year 1756, though the trade continued in several other cities too. Captain Freidman would pack a maximum of 56 captives on to his small ship. He earned 6621 gold dollars for one trip. He handed over his slaves to his master Oran Lopez.
In the history of slave-trade of captives that lasted for 113 years many of helpless African young men must have tried to save/liberate  themselves from this fate. Even if a cat is pushed to the wall it attacks with all its might and ferocity. These were human beings that too in the prime of youth. No record is available for stray or collective cases of liberation from slavery. Only the description of some ships is available there which were taken control of and all black slaves on board set free. Jewish masters were apprehensive of such rebellious acts so they preferred non Jewish captain and crew for the ships.
From 1661 onwards the slave trade was banned in the colonies. but the Jews violated all norms, rules and regulations one by one. White masters had already eliminated millions of natives Americans and now needed workers to work on farm land and erect their buildings. The southern land was fertile for rice, cotton, tobacco and sugarcane. Very poor people from Europe were brought in the beginning. Later, prisons of England and Holland were thrown open so that workers could reach America. But this process cost a lot of money so it was abandoned.
Jew brethren did not lose time in starting and flourishing the slave trade. Several companies were involved in this work. Now read on with a fully alert mind. Between 1661 to 1774 (a span of 113 years)  eleven crore (110 million) black Africans were packed and sent to new European colonies. Now I would like to draw your attention to the fact that only  one crore, eleven lakh captives reached alive.
The rest  9 crore,  90 lakh prisoners died on the way. If the population of Amritsar is 12-13 lakh how many times the entire population of Amritsar can be counted in this stupendous death drama.
We have only talked about a small ship piloted by Captain Freidman. When slave trade was at its peak, ships with a capacity of ferrying 300 people were used. Today an average, Boeing aircraft can easily carry 300 passengers.
Dale Carneig instuition (America) has done a lot of research on slave trade and has kept/preserved original documents of that time which show that Jew merchants reaped the greatest profit in this trade.
After Second World War Jews alleged that Germans and Hitler had killed 60 lakh Jews. This is a big lie which has been imprinted on the minds of people the world over as truth, by repeatedly publishing and mouthing that untold atrocities/murders have been inflicted on Jews. This is not the truth. We shall talk about this in detail some other time.
Every endeavour has been made to destroy all proof of 113 years long saga of Jewish atrocities on Africans. But our thanks to the efforts of the institution of Dale Carneig that has kept it safe for posterity to read and contemplate.
At this juncture I would like to request you to stop comparing a minority community in India to Jews. Don’t say that they are being discriminated against like the poor Jews. That a common Jew may be a good person like any other common man is an altogether different thing.
The history of Jewish merchants for the past several centuries has been associated with the horrifying slave trade. The word mercy does not exit in their books at all, even today. They are ill-treating/murdering people of Central Asia especially in Palestine. In this “holy” mission every U.S. government has sided with Israel .From the double talk of President Obama, we can’t figure out whether he is a party to Israel cruelty or against it. Soon it shall be clear. The Jewish group of aggressive terrorists are known as Zionists.
From the time of slave trade, Jews amassed a lot of wealth. They have now become leading bankers. Today a dozen Jewish banks control most of the world capital. America of today, out of compulsion or lack of intelligence (less likely) is a puppet in the hands of its master Israel. American citizens are unable to take control of their own country.
113 years of unabated salve trade has cast a shadow on every human being on this earth. This shadow can be lifted only by spreading the truth abont it.

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