Two super powers came in the open after the second world war : “capitalist” America and “socialist” Soviet Union .During 1939-1945 second world war,13 % of Russians were killed and its European part was totally destroyed. A race of weapons started between America and Russia. America had destroyed two cities of Japan with atom bomb. Its military  and political leaders wanted to take over Soviet  Union too, but like today ‘s poor nation ,North Korea, the bankrupt Russia of that time succeeded in making an atom bomb (1949) and successfully tested hydrogen bomb (1953), just one year after U.S.A. Soviet Union was the first to launch a satellite. In 1949 North Korea that got liberated from Japan but was attacked by U.S.A., under the gard of U.N. When U.S. was about to win, Chinese forces entered across Yalu river and defeated the invading U.S. army. American people were told that this war was to restrict communism. From 1953 onwards there is warlike state in Korea, and the armies on both sides are ever on alert .France had full control over Vietnam since ages which continued after the 2nd world war when colonialism all over was coming to an end. Ho Chi Min’s farmer guerilla army were able to defeat French army and liberate Vietnam. In 1964 U.S.A. declared that the defeat of the French was a blot on capitalist group of countries and locked horns in the battle that continued for 10 long years in Vietnam. Eventually they were thrown out of Vietnam. This miraculous would not happened without Russian help to Ho Chi Minh. The American giant suffered humiliating defeat and went back to its prosperous land but poor Soviet Union became bankrupt while helping the cause of Vietnam.
The basic difference between man and beast is that the former has to continuously use mental or physical energy in order to make both ends meet, whereas the latter finds his food readymade from the endless natural storehouse of mother earth. The entire human population is ready for working hard, but the opportunities are not the same everywhere .There are many differences within political boundaries due to pressure of army, police and different forms of governance .Across the boundaries there are numerous friendships as well as enmities .On the one side a capitalist set up wants to control the entire world by cheating and fraud and on the other hand these are people of several countries who oppose capitalistic/monoply invasion .
The next U.S. scheme was to target Afghanistan, a friend of Russia .The ‘patriotic’ men trained  in Pakistan started taking up cudgels against Afghanistan. Soviet Union was compelled to send its army to Afghanistan. American trained and fully equipped “patriots” avenged Vietnam by thoroughly defeating Soviet Union. The war of Afghanistan took a heavy toll on finances of Soviet Union while America spent much less than it wasted in Vietnam war.
Soviet Union disintegrated 20 years ago under great burden of financial difficulties .Its economy was divested by capitalist vultures .More than   1/3rd of its top brass of scientists migrated to other countries .Under these circumstances a new Pro–Russia group came into existence which has been able to overcome several odds with great difficulties, to feel a little secure today. It is a matter of great surprise how could Russia surface in its new avatar after total devastation, incessant American pressure and impossibly difficult/chaotic situation!
Thereafter U.S.A. became the only super power in the world after it played a great role in disintegrating Soviet Union in 1991. It was possible for this super power to work for world peace, brotherhood and universal welfare but unfortunately it only concentrated on policies of control, snatch and annexes.
I don’t know which evil influence is upon U.S.A. Its citizens seem to be hard working  and peace loving but all the American governments for the past 150 years have been engaged in interfering and forcing change of regime in more than 100 countries, directly brought destruction or ordered massacres through their pet stooges. The motive has always been the same. To subjugate the people of those countries and have complete control over all the natural resources of these lands via American companies .Instead of going through the headache of creating colonies they would announce “such autonomy”. This kind of new system is termed as neocolonialism. Recently freed countries of the third world are mostly in this trap.
Continuing this policy for a long time, America announced its new policy, “Plan for New American Century” as soon as Russia was a little weakend. According to this U.S.A. would like complete control over land, air and water and keep all countries of the world under its thumb by 2020. A question arose how to convince  American public to support the government in this policy in case of each new war to be waged .
Only President’s speeches are not enough to continue and implement imperial politics.  He is only a pawn for a few years. Politics are not made by the President; they are already made for him. His speeches are only a part of show biz. Americans as well as the whole world knows that. President Bush’s assertions were baseless and false and gave rise to a lot of surprise but imperial partner the media, contributed a lot in making those assertions and speeches seem relevant.
Every American president was instrumental in expanding the imperialist agenda in different countries at different stages according to a well planned policy. Each one had full knowledge of the road to the so called “progress” and they were under oath not to reveal  the secret mission. When President Bush came, his agenda was World Trade Center’s distraction so that all peace loving American should feel threatened and feelings of revenge may be inculcated in them. This incident could not be planned in one day. It took 25 Years to plan and implement it. This incident was masterminded and aired on TV repeatedly, the blame was put on residents of Central Asia. War was waged against Afghanistan and then Iraq and this has been ongoing for past 8 years .Pakistan is also under fire and plans are afoot to attack Iran.
The American public which could control capitalist, prewar leaders is now being harnessed and controlled by suffocating laws.
Wars waged in the past 8 years and the impending wars have shaken the great American economy. Along with America, many other countries are in the grip of economic recession. This is only the beginning, the worse is yet to come. Many countries especially Russia would wish that America should remain engaged in warfare and consequently suffer more set back. Russia has offered passage into Afganistan through its land for ammunition. Remember Russia of today is distinct from erstwhile Soyiet Union. It will not offer its neck to save that of another country.
The powerful rulers can anytime destroy the whole earth with their arms and ammunition. They have the potential to eliminate human existence .But these mighty people in power forget that citizens of every country have the potential to think and to sacrifice their lives life and to fail despotic, imperial schemes. Imperial forces are misleading all by blowing trumpets of their victory. The truth is the imperial forces are caught in such a quagmire that they can’t escape easily. The outcome is going to be similar to that of Vietnam or even worse.
The question is : Are American leaders who are waging wars, patriots or traitors? Are they protectors of international laws or killers of international caliber?
Mother earth belongs to all. There are divisions only in maps. Mother earth offers its milk like resources to every living creature, not to chosen imperial corporations. Countless sons of mother earth are going to safeguard their mother. Mother is great!!

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