PREFACE —Richard Fugo (Dr.)

It is a great honor to be asked by Dr Singh to write the preface of his textbook. However, this first statement is followed by a very somber “HOWEVER”! Moreover, this bold “however” underscores the fact that Dr Singh and I are writing about the most secretive, most powerful group of people who have walked the earth over the last several centuries. Over the centuries ,these people have progressively built enormous  wealth and power by corruption, violence and inbreeding. These people have demonstrated repeatedly that they will stop at nothing to accomplish their goals of world domination and complete control of the human race. They have been responsible for the murder of hundreds of millions …yes, millions over the centuries. This may sound over dramatic and perhaps unbelievable. Now, I don’t mind you questioning the validity of the above statements, the sanity of the above statements or even the reality of the above statements. However, I do request that you finish reading the materials that we present herein ! That is what I ask of you.  You  may  ask why this material is infrequently discussed in ALL mainstream media ...CNN,FOX NEWS, BBC, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, etc. This is certainly a fair question .But, you will see that this has been a massively funded effort that began back over the centuries ( 1 ).  I have friends who will say that massive info deception is impossible.  How could it be that we have not heard this on the nightly news? I recently wrote a letter to an editor of the Wall Street Journal  regarding an editorial on Ron Paul and stated that she is either a fool, easily mislead or completely corrupt. And, I believe that most of these individuals  in mainstream  media operate off of sheer greed since they must know what they are reporting is truly  fabricated news ( 2 ).  Judge Napolitano  had the most popular show on Fox Business News but his show was suddenly canceled when he aired a stunning report .(YouTube: “Judge Napolitano:How to get fired from Fox Business in under 5 min” ;  YouTube : “Judge Napolitano: Final Word on the last episode of Freedom Watch”). Please go to YouTube and watch these videos about Judge Napolitano! Like Ron Paul, Judge Napolitano is an honest, honorable, patriot who wishes to treat the entire world fairly and with kindness.
There was a popular movie named the Matrix, which presented a story about the creating of an artificial existence through computers. In a nutshell, they argued in this movie that most of what people believe is actually shear fantasy, a series of lies and a series of distortion. The movie “ the Matrix” is not fiction for we are presently living in an ocean of misinformation.  Again, you may laugh but I beg you to finish reading this text .This will hopefully begin to open your mind so that  you will begin to learn the truth .In this way , when the social collapse being engineered by this group called the ILLUMINATI soon occurs, you will be prepared ( 3).
In the United States ,there was a congressional bill termed “SOPA” that was narrowly defeated in early 2012 .
This bill would have ended the internet as we have known it but they are now trying to pass another law that is even more damaging and controlling for the internet.
  This  group of world manipulators have been called the Illuminati or the Bohemian Grove Group or the Bilderberger Group are out to control the entire world and in the process  have murdered untold millions of people throughout the centuries in order to promote their sick, twisted, evil agenda (4) .
  I am presenting a preface to Dr Daljit Singh’s attempt to give you a brief glimpse at the distortion of fact that is being used by these super rich individuals. There is SO MUCH INFO that I hardly know where to begin. I have given some thought to allowing you to check out what I have been telling you in a quick, fast fashion. Namely, I will utilize the website “YouTube” and I will give you phrases and words to type into the subject index of YouTube in order to view specific videos in order to give you some background information to support our position.   Please go to the references and read and/or watch the material that I reference. I present a few references while thousands could have been listed.
Firstly, I ask you to spend 3 weeks on a daily basis on the Internet by going through a search engine such as Google  checking out thoughts we will give you. It is imperative that you begin by typing in the name “Alex Jones” into Google and select INFOWARS  and download streaming broadcasts over the internet that he performs on a daily basis except Saturday.  Alex Jones is the foremost voice of truth for news. He has the largest full time, professional news cast broad cast over the internet as well as on AM, FM and short wave bands. I listen to his newscast on my smartphone by typing into Google “GCN” which will bring up the Genesis Communication Network. When you bring up the Genesis Communication Network, you can click on the words  “Alex Jones” which brings up a screen that displays Alex Jones’ face .Above and to the left of his face, there is a spot that states “On Demand”. Press that and you will get the streaming audio show for that particular day right over your smart phone. I also subscribe to the newly formulated nightly video news with Alex Jones on his internet network called InfoWars. I mention this because this is the place where patriots have found that they can get the honest to God’s truth of what is happening in the world. Cut right through the false info being fed to you by the mainstream media. You will be blown away by what you learn.
My acid test of brain washing of the Illuminati matrix and of being massively deceived by news media  is to ask an individual the question of “Who is Smedley Butler?” You know I have asked this question to hundreds of  individuals and not one person has ever told me who Smedley Butler is.  During  the 1920s and 1930s, Smedley Butler was one of the most famous individuals in the USA. I have asked university professors.  I have asked an economics professor, a history professor and a sociology professor and not one of them had heard of Smedley Butler. However, if you go to YouTube, and search the name Smedley Butler, you will view some truly amazing findings. Smedley Butler was the highest decorated military hero in the history of the USA and was a hero unparalleled during the his time. Now, when Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected president, the industrialists namely the most powerful and influential people in the world were afraid that they were loosing control of the USA. For this reason, they set about to initiate a Coup d’etat of the United States government. In order to achieve this goal, they needed a true hero to rally the people around, especially the war veterans. And there was no man in the USA that was more loved than the highly decorated and selfless General Smedley Butler. The wealthiest families of the world accumulated a small fortune and dedicated this money to unseat the president and to initiate a Coup d’etat to replace Roosevelt with Smedley Butler as the new president( 5). This plan was extremely well laid out. They picked two of the most influential politicians of the day to run this project. These two individuals approached Smedley Butler in several meetings and presented to him an opportunity to become president of the USA through Coup d’etat. Smedley Butler was above all a patriot so he humored these individuals.  He met with them several time in order to find out the mischief and depth of their treason but then proceeded to turn them in to loyal members of congress. The two men that had been chosen to run this treasonous scam were  influential and powerful and were none other than the  grandfathers of George Herbert Walker Bush( 6 ), namely Prescott Bush and Herbert Walker. That is right, the `grandfathers of two former presidents of the USA. When Smedley Butler exposed the truth, they held closed hearings of congress. Unfortunately, these records were sealed and were never released to the public. Members of congress then cited statements from Smedley Butler who became outraged because they misstated what he stated. He was further outraged because none of the super wealthy individuals were even called to Washington, let alone arrested.  Likewise Prescott Bush and Herbert Walker were not arrested. For this reason, Smedley Butler went on campaign to discredit this group. Accordingly, the illuminati blacklisted the name “Smedley Butler”. That is why you have not heard of Smedley Butler.
Ok, what happened at the 9/11 catastrophe? Recall that 3 buildings collapsed….including building number 7!  Yet,   that building had only a mild degree of fire. But, it had the  largest stash of gold outside of Fort Knox (this is another story of it’s own) and FBI  files for prosecution of  groups such as Enron(7). Where is the gold….Gee, no one seems to know, and the FBI prosecution papers on some of the wealthiest individuals in the world are gone…destroyed!
I tell people that before they even start thinking about the twin towers that they have to look at 2 issues in order to get their minds thinking properly. These 2 issues are covered in films that were made immediately after the airplanes struck the twin towers and the airline had supposedly struck the pentagon building. The one video was filmed the morning after the airplanes had hit the twin towers and had collapsed .Two network anchors were asking what happened to all of the steel and cement from the towers (8). They raised the issue that it is confusing to find that buildings that were over 110 feet tall left a pile of rubble of only about one story high.  You must look at this video and then you must go back to the book written by Dr Judy Wood, who raises the same issue…where did the towers go? (9). This is a GREAT BOOK!  Professor Wood was fired after she published this extraordinary text! Towers over 100 stories are reduced to about a story of rubble. How is this possible when you are talking about steel beams and slabs of concrete? The second video was taken by the first film team that arrived on the scene from the CNN network that showed up at the pentagon after impact. The CNN news man states that it is very strange that there is no object to be found whatsoever that was larger in size than one could pick up with a single hand. In other words, the plane must have disintegrated! Excuse me but how does the fuselage of an airplane disintegrate and how is it that there were not large pieces of wings, engines or seats! How is that possible? This was shown one time and was taken off of the air. Luckily, it was recorded and it was recorded on YouTube(10). SO, if there was an airplane, where were the engines, and where were parts of the fuselage? It should also be noted that the FBI confiscated all of the surveillance video from motel, hotel and eating establishments in the close proximity to the pentagon but never returned any of the video or made it public. Are you starting to get the enormity of this entire fiasco?
 I will tell you that 10 years ago I was a firm believer that the USA was the only honest government in the world, we had some problems but who doesn’t? I now firmly believe that the US Government as well as all European governments have been captured by corrupt agents of the international banking cartel that is headquartered in Switzerland and the city state of London. If you cross this cartel, they will kill you! We have numerous examples of this. For example, Eisenhower in this farewell address went off script and started talking about the corrupt military industrial complexes (11).  During this “off script ad lib” portion of his speech there was a loud slam and Ike immediately went back on script. JF Kennedy delivered his famous secret society speech, which everyone must listen to in which he stated that before that there were very powerful groups whose objective was to foment the destruction of our country and that before he finished office he was going to expose them. Shortly there after he was killed (12). However, I believe that the reason he was really killed was the fact that he had the courage to do the same thing that Lincoln had done before him. Namely, Kennedy took away the power away the power to print money by the Federal Reserve Bank and gave it back to the US Treasury department. Kennedy issued executive order 11110, which  gave the US Treasury the right to print the money and thereby sidestep the Federal Reserve Bank (13). Billions of dollars of these Treasury Notes were printed but when Johnson took office they were quickly recovered and destroyed. This correlation between what Lincoln did and what Kennedy did is rather fascinating. Lincoln refused the charter of the Central Bank for the U.S.A. proposed by the international banking cartel and was subsequently shot in the head by an agent of the international banking cartel, namely John Wilkes Booth. This had nothing to with slavery but had everything to do with BIG money (14). There is also a rather fascinating video on YouTube which exposes what really happened to Kennedy. First you will see that the motor cycles were taken away from his limo, and then the head of the secret service detail stands up in the limo behind Kennedy and yells to Kennedy’s key secret service agents. These agents are ordered to get off of Kennedy’s limo. The agents are then seen running along the limo waving their hands and screaming 3 times before they finally fell back, after which Kennedy was shot in the head (15). Bobby Kennedy was hell bent on finding and exposing his brother’s killer and he was shot because it looked like he was going to be president. President JF Kennedy’s son, John Kennedy Jr. became a handsome and marvelous young man who was destined to be a president. He began telling friends that he was hell bent on finding the truth about his father and his uncle . He was killed in a plane crash. On the other hand, they did not touch Ted Kennedy because of the corruption charges they had on Ted Kennedy.
CNN and FOX news are news distorters not news reporters. In the Iowa caucus election of 2012, the republican kingmaker, namely Carl Rove stated 3 hours before the end of the election what the results would be. I actually taped this and I am amazed that he had the stupidity to tell this to a reporter over the air 1 hour prior to when the results were officially reported (16). It came down to the exact vote count that Carl Rove said it would be. So much for fair elections!  Carl Rove said that the Santorum camp and the Romany camp got together and decided what the final vote tally would be for the Iowa election since the woman who was carrying the votes to the headquarters was missing. No one knew where she was so the 2 camps got together and came to an agreement as to what the final outcome of the election would be. I still cannot believe that this was not investigated and there was not a congressional hearing.
  Yes, we are living in the land of “the wizard of Oz”. We are living the end game of this multiple century long plan that has been generated by this international banking cartel such as the Rothchild clan and the House of Windsor.
And then there are the wars we have fought. Iraq had an immense amount of gold. No one ever discusses where that gold went to or who has that gold. It seems that they did not have weapons of mass destruction except that Iraq was planning to sell oil in denominations other than the dollar. That was not to the likings of the international banking cartel and I believe that is the real reason that they attacked Iraq. Then, they went on to Libya and they said that they were saving the country. Saving the country? Libya had the highest standard of living in northern Africa and again they had  one of the largest reserves of gold in the world. Again, where is the gold? No one ever discusses what happened to the Libyan gold. I’ll bet you a dollar that the Libyan gold was been taken over by the international banking cartel. Remember the US Government is dead broke. It is at the mercy of the international banking cartel that has fabricated schemes whereby they divide assets into 2 classes. The one class is the valuable assets and the other class is the toxic waste assets.  The banking cartel will take the valuable assets and then dump the toxic assets on some group such as a country. They tried this in Iceland and Iceland kicked them out!   The banking cartel has used our military to push around the people of the world and once our US military is no longer valuable to them, the USA will collapse. It is that simple! The US military is beginning to realize this, which is why more than70% of US military contributions are given to Rep DR Ron Paul.
 For years, there have been people saying that the international banking cartel has used the US government and other government troops to transport the drugs and they actually control the drug flow around the world. This was told to the newscaster Geraldo Rivera who then went  on location where he found US Troops putting  drugs on US trucks to be brought to the US base and flown into the US. (17).  It is hard to believe that the illuminati have been able to keep this secret.  Would you believe that President Obama is a relative of President Bush? Impossible! Well not only is that true but over a dozen US Presidents are distant relatives (18) .How is this possible? Not only are Presidents distant relatives but George Bush is also a distant relative of the Queen of England. You have to look this one up (19). There have been newscasts about this on the mainstream media!
The goal of the Illuminati is to take everything from you, or just kill you. I cannot go into it in depth because of space. So,look it up …the fact are on the internet. Don’t expect the BBC to tell you. They are pouring chemical toxins into the environment, creating chem trails in the sky and filling our waters with toxic fluorides and materials that will kill you such as aluminum and heavy metals. They are modifying our food so that seeds won’t germinate and you buy it from Monsanto and the modified seed kill bugs while poisoning humans! Go look it up on the internet. Again,the banksters is a group of individuals that want to reduce the world population dramatically by killing us and taking over the little wealth that the average owns. Remember one thing however, this small group of people is like the schoolyard bully. If you cower to them, they will always win. If you stand up to them ,they are going to lose. That is why writing this text is a true, heavy obligation with significant consequences
The greatest weapon of the banking cartel is a complacent, misinformed public. Think about simple facts such as the US Federal Reserve Bank is not federal, not a bank…but rather a private company owned largely by foreign banks that has NEVER been audited …and that also controls Fort Knox ,the US gold depository. No US representative has been allowed to audit Fort Knox and examine the gold since the 1950s, so we really don’t know how much gold we really have! In 1913 ,the banksters set up the US Federal Reserve and also set up the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to collect US taxes (20). The IRS is also a private company and you guessed it …it is owned by the same banking cartel that owns the Federal Reserve . By the way, this same banking cartel owns  EVERY CENTRAL BANK in the world ,except for a few banks such as Libya, Iraq, Iran…and  two or three others. Oh yes…they now own the central banks in Iraq and Libya.
Don’t continue to be fooled ! Please read Dr Singh’s book, and PLEASE OPEN YOUR COMPUTER TO YOUTUBE IN ORDER TO VIEW THE YOUR TUBE VIDEOS LISTED IN THE REFERENCE SECTION AT THE END OF THIS PREFACE!  Then … think it over and make up your mind! This topic will affect you, your children, and your children’s children.
—Richard Fugo (Dr.)
100W Fornannce St.
Norristown PA 19401

1.   Author: “Jim Marrs”, Textbook: “The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy”
2.   Author: “Jim Marrs”, Textbook: “Rule by Secrecy”
3.   Author: “Joe Nobody”, Textbook: “Holding Your Ground”
4.   Author: “Jim Marrs”, Textbook: “The Rise of the Fourth Reich”
5.   A) You Tube: “The White House Coup (1993)”
      B) You Tube: “ The Fascist Plot to Overthrow FDR”
      C) You Tube: “Smedley Butler Exposes Facist  American Coup”   
      D) You Tube:  “ Major General Smedley Butler & The Fascist Takeover of the USA -  A Warning From History”  
6.   A) Google: “Smedley Butler, Prescott Bush”
      B) You Tube: “ Smedley Butler Coup”
      C) You Tube: “Bush’s Grandfather Led Nazi Coup Against White House in 1933" 
7.   A) You Tube: “ Building #7”
      B) You Tube: “BBC Reports Collapse of WTC Building #7 Early– Twice”
      C) You Tube: “9/11 Truth : What Happened to Building #7”
      D) You Tube: “9/11 Gold Heist”
8.   A) You Tube: “9/11 Peter Jennings – Where is all the Rubble (ABC 9/12/11 Noon)”
      B) You Tube: “ 9/11 Debris: Investigation of Ground Zero”
9.   Author: “Dr Judy Wood”; Textbook: “Where Did the Towers Go?”
10. You Tube: “9/11 CNN No Plane at Pentagon Original Footage”
11. A) You Tube: “Eisenhower Military Industrial Complex”
      B) You Tube: “Eisenhower Farewell Address”
      C) You Tube: “Eisenhower Farewell Address–Military Industrial Complex”
12. You Tube: “ President John F. Kennedy Secret Society Speech Version 2”
13. You Tube: “ Executive Order 11110”
14. A) You Tube: “ The Central Bank: The Beginning”
      B) You Tube: “Criminal Rothschilds”
15. You Tube: “JFK Assination: Secret Service Stand Down”
16. A) You Tube: “ Karl Rove: Romney has won IOWA by 14 votes, How he know?”
      B) You Tube: “ Karl Rove: Mitt Romney Has Won IOWA by 14 Votes”
17. A) You Tube: “ Geraldo Rivera Opium Afganistan”
      B) You Tube: “Marines Grow Opium for Their Masters”
18. A) You Tube: “Obama, Bush and Cheney are Cousins      (rare admission by msn)”
      B) You Tube: “Obama is Bush’s Cousin”
      C) You Tube: “The Blood Lines of the Illuminati 11/11”
19. A) You Tube: “12 YR Girl Discovers All US Presidents (except one) Related to One British King”
      B) You Tube: “ One Family, One Blood Line, One Rule”
20. Author: “G. Edward Griffin”, Textbook: “The Creature           From Jekyll Island”

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