U.S.A. and its allies (“coalition of the willing”) invaded Iraq and took over its control with so called ‘good intentions’. Some of them are as follows:-
     Sadam Hussain, the president of Iraq is a very dangerous man who has to be removed and the process of democracy to be initiated so that there is a glimmer of enlightened thought in central Asia’s mindset.
     Sadam Hussain has very dangerous chemical, bioligical and atomic weapons of mass destruction which he plans to use for attack on western countries. He supported al-Qaida outfit and Bin Laden, as a result twin towers of New York were blown away on 11 Sept 2001
     The propaganda was that the common people of Iraq wish that American army should liberate them from the cluches of Sadam in Iraq and they wanted to shower flowers on victorious American army to express their happiness.
Press of the entire world, editorials, main articles and TV channels become mouthpiece of U.S. Goverment. This befooled many people who lent full support and thus “fulfilled their moral duty.” If there was dissent by people parties or governments, the media never aired / covered any such dissent.
The crux of the matter is that one wild lion pounced on a hapless lamb, caught it by throat and at the cost of death of merely 140 army officers, and took control of the whole of Iraq. All central departmental buildings (barring oil ministry) were blown to pieces by cruise missiles. Old Museums were looted and its possessions became a part of western countries.
The attack began on 19th march 2003 and after 41 days of minor confrontations, American army was declared the victorious over Iraqi army. This declaration of victory was made by President Bush himself as “mission accompalished”.
From that time till date (more than 6 years) America and its allies are still fighting with Iraqi ghosts who are called terrorists, al-Qaida, rebels, fanatics, Sunni/Shia martial or Saddam loyalists. On one hand friendly nations are scarificing lives for “welfare” of Iraq and on the other these ghosts are ever ready to stall such saintly efforts. According to government reports more than 4330 American army men have become martyrs, 31446 are crippled and in list of “living dead”. Allied nations have also sacrificed their manpower but that’s not worth mentioning. Non-govt. sources put the figure of wounded at more than on lakh but we should only trust the American government whose each move/thought is truly pure!
A dead U.S. army man finds liberation for himself and leaves his nation unaffected but a wounded soldier is a big headache. First medical aid has to be sent to him through a helicopter, then he is taken to a big hospital for examination. A team  of doctors operates as emergency, then the same injured is taken to Germany through a medical aircraft . After that, very complicated treatment and physiotherapy is provided at army hospitals of America. If they recover then they are again dispatched to Iraq or Afganistan. If that is not the case, they are swept aside as a heap of trash in the most unfeeling way and no one knows their plight than themselves or their God.
The world cannot forget America and its allied countries’ sacrifices for world peace and democracy in Iraq ! While performing their glorious duty their  guns, cannons and aircraft must have faltered many times while bombing for which the civilians anger is justified to some extent. But “Coalition of the willing” army had no fault in this ! Those evil people who opposed American “democracy and freedom” had already started counting the injured Iraqi civilians as well as the dead. According to them till July 2009 total 13,39,771 Iraqi civilians have been killed , many times more have been injured or crippled for life . More than 30 lakh people have fled Iraq to settle in neighbouring countries. American army dismisses these figures as mere rumors because no U.S. soldier can treat Iraqi civilians in this manner !
But America must also be including in the list of dead, the hired mercenary fighters (contractors) who were recruited from the poor countries of the 3rd world and pushed into the line of fire of war. It may not be surprising that someone from our area may be a part of the never counted dead people.
If invading democrate preceful countries are using the most sophisticated weapons then Iraqi goons and terrorists are creating chaos with their inferior weapons like AK-47, rocket launchers and dynamite mines. Among bombing and dynamite and deafening explosions the delicate brains of 3 lakh 20 thousand U.S. and allied soldiers have been adversely affected and they are unable to do any useful work. This is no way to fight ! If one has to fight one must come out in the open. The figures of brain injuryto the soldiers are given by the U.S. sources and now they have to find new ways to fight: Drone (unnamed) aircraft attacks and increased use of hired soldiers from third world. Great!!!!

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