A horrible chapter of history was
written on 11 Sept, 2001 morning. A mosquito sized ‘aircraft’ with a palmful of
fuel managed to strike world’s most well known building, The World Trade
Center. After a while another tiny ‘mosquito’ stung the 2nd tower. The second
incident was captured by numerous cameras!
That day God ‘put on hold’ all
laws of physics. The fuel in the aircraft was instrumental in melting good
quality steel despite the clear evidence of low temperature black soot/ smoke.
The steel in every nook and corner of the building began melting at the same
time. The same process happened in about 100 lifts situated within the core of
the building. That day God implemented several new laws as a result of which 2
lakh tonnes of steel started melting in a planned manner and another 4 lakh
tonnes of concrete was ready to explode like massive Diwali Crackers. After contemplating
for barely 40 minutes, 112 storied buildings first one, then second, were
reduced to really nothing in as little time as taken by you to read a part of
this sentence. Every one knows, when fire breaks out, columns of fire keep
leaping up for quite some time and a steel building cannot melt like this! But
who can tell God The Boss what to do and how to do anything. If tomorrow Boss
starts melting pots on a stove, what can we do? It’s the Boss’s wish! Both the
buildings instead of catching fire started exploding vertically. In every
second 11 storeys exploded along with 100 lifts within them and in less than 10
seconds both the towers seemed to go down, but in actual fact 6 lakh tones of
concrete and steel in each was exploded to fine dust. The dust enveloped whole
of New York city causing choking to hundreds of thousands of people.
CIA kept researching ways and
means to prevent this incident for more than 25 years which included exploding
materials as well as pilot less planes. Many experiments were carried out and
after acquiring expertise the Government ordered for practice drills to prevent
this incident on 11/09/2001. All airbases of America ensured there was no
aircraft, left out of the defence drill. The fire extinguishing department was
also engaged in practice drill around New York towers after getting all the
roads around the towers vacated. Video films of such drills were also being
made. So much so that when the first aircraft hit the tower, that too was
“unintentionally” captured in the center of a film. God’s ways are great. The
entire nation with its security system was busy in preventing any damage to
twin towers and lo! precisely at the same time, two “hijacked planes” did
actually ram into the towers. The country was made virtually unarmed because it
was busy in simulating preventive drills. It is as if eagles descended and a
blot of blood was left on the world history.
Nature that day set a new record
of impossible/ improbables. The cameras fitted at the airports did not click
the hijackers film/ photo. The hijackers managed to cross all security barriers
and like invisible men entered the aircraft, killed healthy strong pilots and
took over the control of the aircraft. The entire crew and the passengers were
glued to their seats like cats and mice. None of the hijackers had any bomb or
pistol. They were said to have one plastic card board cutting knife! It was told
that 18 people from Saudi Arabia had hijacked 4 planes. After a few days 2
magical things happened. One hijacker’s passport was found near the debris of
the towers and a credit card of his accomplice was also found which helped to
draw money from the bank. Praise the Lord- paper and plastic remained in good
condition while steel and concrete could not be traced.
In the clouds of dust small
towers 3,4,5 and 6 (also destroyed) were not even visible but tower no. 7 which
was a 47 storey building was demolished barely 3 hours later in only 6 seconds,
that too in a mild fire in exactly the same manner as the other high twin
God knows how BBC knew this 24
minutes beforehand!!! When the BBC newsreader was breaking news about the
falling Tower 7, it could be seen safe and erect in the background. She was
surely mouthing the words that were conveyed to her ears as wireless command.
How could she know which is tower7 ? She was not ever looking towards it.
Similarly two news anchors of CNN were reading news from the head quarter that
Tower number 7 has been destroyed. They looked at each other and pointing
towards the T.V they announced that they can’t say exactly because of clouds of
dust. Precisely at that moment Tower no. 7 collapsed in front of their eyes and
they announced “look it is falling down”. BBC and CNN news channels once again
proved that there is really a divine force: The Super God who gives you such
news before time. if you so wish, the same God can open your eyes to the fact
that destiaction/dustifi-cation of the towers and breaking news about it were
preplanned, only the broadcast time did not coordinate/match with the incident!
Now the question is where is this
four lakh tonnes of steel? Most of it got ‘dustified’ in the felling process.
It seems that what little remained was sent to some harbour in Central Asia and
might have been sold to several countries. It is alleged that some part of it
was used in Mandi Gobindgarh in Punjab in some form or other. Perhaps in this
way our Punjab State too has a unique connection with Twin Towers of New York.
The story of peace loving world
and its confrontation with terrorism is very long and complicated. But a person
can comprehend it easily only if he opens his third eye!
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