I was a small boy, we all were given 3 vaccines: for typhoid-cholera and small
pox. Nowadays, there are innumerable vaccines. As soon as a baby is born
vaccination starts, proper records are maintained to ensure that every child
undergoes all the recommended vaccinations.
Vaccines today can be equated to
quackery. TV and newspapers are full of ads about vaccines. The history of
vaccines is not simple. Many times not only have they proved ineffectual in
arresting a disease but also have been instrumental in spreading those very
In 1960 polio vaccine was
discovered/manufactured in America which had a component in it called SV 40
virus that increases the possibility of cancer. By the time this fact came to
light crores of children had been vaccinated with it.
In 1871-72, the entire population
of England was given small-pox vaccine but 45000 people died of it even after
vaccination. Similarly in Germany there were 125,000 deaths due to small pox.
Germany started diphtheria
vaccine in 1940. Diphtheria deaths increased from 40,000 in 1945 to 2,50,000.
In 1977, John Salk who invented
polio vaccine along with his other colleagues admitted that most of the polio
cases in America between 1961 to 1977 have occurred because of his vaccine. It
is a generally believed that in America, FDA is most vigilant about
medicines !
In 1970, 250,000 TB vaccinated
people were examined. TB was found more in vaccinated persons than those who had not been vaccinated.
Nowadays every child is given BCG
injection yet a disturbing percentage of population suffers from active TB.
More research is needed in this area.
1978: According to a survey
conducted in 30 districts of U.S.A., more than half of measles patients are
those who had received anti measles vaccine.
1979: Sweden stopped using
injections against whooping cough. It was seen that in 1978 out of 5140
patients of whooping cough, 84%were given 3 injections each. ( B.M.J 1981).
1981 February: According to
American Medical Association 90% of gynecologists and obstetricians themselves
refuse to have Rubella vaccine but happily give the same to the patients under
their care.
1987: In America the cost of DPT
injection was increased from 11 cents to 11 dollars (100 times increase). Out
of this, 8 dollars per injection were kept aside to fight the court cases,
which parents of children who either died or suffered brain damage due to this
vaccine, initiated against the company. Now according to a revised / amendment
in law, no company can be sued because of any damage caused by an FDA approved
1990: It was published in Journal
of American Medical Association that despite 95% of school going children being
vaccinated for measles the symptoms of measles have appeared in these kids.
1994: According to New England
Medical Journal 802 children (under 5 years of age) who suffered from whooping
cough had already been vaccinated earlier.
Nov 2000: American Physician and Surgeon Association unanimously passed a
resolution in its 57th St. Louis convention that there should be no
mandatory instructions for vaccination for small children.
2009 : There are many more
examples but let’s talk now about swine flu. In 1976, in U.S.A. there was
widespread swine flu or so it was propagated. 20 crore vaccines were created
and 4 crore people were given injections. But swine flu did not side with the
companies that created panic and the flu soon disappeared. Sixteen crore doses
still remained. Today perhaps those left over vaccines are giving great profit
to the companies. WHO’s dire warnings against hazards of swine flu and the
advisibility of getting its vaccination for prevention have been issued under
intense pressure from these companies. Many governments have hijacked their
budget to amass a store of vaccines. Kickbacks ?
In India too ( thanks to media) a
lot of propaganda was done about swine flu that even resulted in closure of
schools and colleges, people stopped moving here and there and tourists stopped
coming. Then the government came to its senses and announced there is no need
to be afraid of this swine flu and nothing much is required except being a
little cautious. After the propaganda about swine flu has served its monertary
purpose, now instructions read like this:
If you have pain in the chest;
can’t breathe easily; have constant vomiting and high fever you should go to
emergency room in a hospital. That everybody does even without the current
panic. Just think in case of an epidemic really happened how would thousands or
lakhs of people be treated in an emergency room or rooms? How many doctors,
nurses and other assistants can escape the disease and report on duty? The
hospitals can’t even clean vomitus. The real cause of this horrible picture is
the question of sale of those 16 crore vaccines that were left over in 1976.
The ill effects of vaccine injections, when seen in numerous people, would in
the times to come, contribute to further increase in income of these companies!
It has been estimated that to
save one swine flu death 200,000 people will have to be vaccinated. How many of
these will suffer from ill effects of vaccine and who would bother about them?
It may be entire by possible that one life may be saved after 2 lakh
vaccinations or 10 vaccinated persons may die due to ill effects of
The health of the common man is
based on corporate politics rather than common sense. Corporate politics urges;
do something because this is the demand/need of the people. The fact is that
‘doing nothing’ is in the interest of the people.
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