Who doesn’t like sweetness? This sweetness is available in fruit. The fruit without sweetness is known as the vegetable which we cook with lots of herbs and spices. But man becomes excited at the very sight of a fully ripe, sweet fruit. There is an unlimited variety of fruit as well as mixtures of sugar available. The sugar we use every day comes not from fruit but from the stem of a plant –the juicy sugarcane. Similar form of sugar can be obtained from dates and beetroot– the chemical name is ‘sucrose’. The function of liver in human body is to convert it into glucose and glycogen in order to store and use. The main / chief source of sugar in one’s diet is carbohydrates which our liver can break up to form glucose. This is supplied through our blood stream and used by every cell of our body. Generally the glucose quantity in our blood is 80-120 mg percent.
Excess food / diet are deposited in our body in form of fat. Diabetic patients have increased quantity of glucose in their blood. There should be a balanced amount of glucose in our blood; very low or very high quantity can lead to unconsciousness and there can be danger of death too!
Every diabetic patient, every person scared of diabetics or obesity as well as really obese people prefer to use ‘sugar free’ sugar to get rid of their weight apprehension.
Over 100 years ago came a very sweat chemically produced; non-natural product Saccharin. When added to edible items or drinks it left a strange metal like taste beside sweetness in the mouth.
The pharmaceutical/medicine industry hit upon Aspartame in their quest for a better tasting synthetic sugar. It’s taste was almost like ordinary sugar in use. It was however essential to test it on rats and other animals before it could be declared fit for human consumption.  These tests proved disappointing, especially because its use led to damage to brain and tumor formation in the body of experimental rats. Hence, American FDA did not grant sanction for general use of Aspartame. This was at a time when FDA verdict enjoyed / carried some reputation.
Today the food industry and medicine industry control FDA totally. Anyway the result of endless research was the same –Aspartame is dangerous and can lead to cancer and many other diseases. FDA was adamant till the advent of Donald Rumsfield. He was the chief of Searle Company that manufactured this synthetic substance.
He was in the team of American President Ronald Reagen. As soon as he appeared on the scene, he sacked the FDA chief and appointed his protege instead. The case pending for 16 years was decided in one day when the American government. granted permission for general use of Aspartame. Today this artificial sweetner is used in dozen different kinds of soda and in thousand kinds of medicines.
One should not forget the Donald Rumsfeld is the same man who was Defense Secretary in Geogre Bush regime from 2001-2006. He was the brain behind the war on Iraq to capture its oil wells and have American military bases there. He had given green signal for destruction of Baghdad museum, for inhuman torture of innocent prisoners and for the death of 13 lakhs Iraqis as well as for rendering more than 50 lakhs of them homeless. This 77 years old international criminal has rejoined pharmaceutical company after retirement. A man guilty of upsetting American and international well being and a threat to world peace is himself enjoying perfect health !
We must know a bit more about this sweet poison. The easiest way is to go to Google and type ‘aspartame dangers’ and get unlimited information.
Nowadays another synthetic poisonous product is becoming popular sweetner that is “sucralose” which is being sold under several names and innocent people are being trapped into buying and using it.
A natural calorie free natural sweetner comes from a plant called Sativia. It poses no threat to health. Its farming has commenced in India and is available in the market in small measures. Firms like Coca-Cola, Pepsi are showing an interest in Sativia .
Meanwhile the patient for aspartame is about to expire. A new “...tame” like product shell replace aspartame. The rules have been so relaxed, That it will not be mandatory to mention on a packing the “...tame” has been used. This is the most shocking news of our times.

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