“Our target is clear: create divide among nations through political, economic, social and religious means; equip warring parties with arms and ammunition; plan incidents that result in deadly confrontation between them; topple governments of nations, destroy religious institutions and in the end let them kill each other”.
To implement this target 2000 men were recruited with finest brains and closely associated with art, literature, research science, economics and industry, Such handpicked agents were given the following instructions:
1.   To control top rung officials of all governments through bribe or sex services. Once such persons are lured, never let them go. They are to be blackmailed through financial bankruptcy, social expose, or life threat to them and their families.
2.   To keep on eye on intelligent children from good families in various colleges and universities. They should be impressed upon that all wars can be ended if there is rule of one government in the whole world. Scholarships for their higher studies shall be organized by us.
3.   Such people and specifically coached students shall be used in a particular manner. They shall be unseen experts and councilors in all departments of government. Such policies shall then be implemented through these agents that encourage one secret mission: one world, one government. Other governments and religions shall be destroyed.
4.   Media should be controlled in such a manner that all people start believing that end of all ills lies in one world-one government policy.                                                                         
Now I will tell you something. We, poor people can’t even imagine how great were these people who had the above mentioned agenda ! The plan of one world-one government came into existence on May 1st, 1776. The group was called Illuminati, the enlightened mind and its representative who came forward was Adam Vishupet.
A super clever German banker money lender/money changer Mayer Rothschild brought Adam to the forefront. Mayer Rothschild was running a bank in Frankfurt. He had 5 sons who were all in banking. Today, barring a few nations the whole world is at the mercy of Rothschild bank. It is said that its branches are in Delhi and Mumbai also!
Let us delve into the background of Rothschild. It may take several universities hundreds of years to describe the activities of Rothchild for  centuries. Today it will suffice to say that for a very long time the world has been in the hands of Rothschild and have an impact on our daily life in several ways. Rothschild claim they are Jews but in fact they belong to Khajaria, a country that was located between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. Nowadays this area is known as Georgia. ( If you remember, in 2008 there was a military skirmish between Georgia and Russia).
In 740 A.D all people of Khajaria started calling themselves Jews as per the order of their king. He ordained this under pressure of Russian Christians from north and of Islam from South. In fact Khajaria had not even remote connection with Jewish ideology; 90% people calling themselves Jews are in fact Khajaris.
These people lay claim on Israel when their real home is 800 miles away I.e Georgia. All Israeli prime misters have been (Akshnazi/Khajari) Jews. They fraudulently, cunningly and under great pressure asked for their ‘motherland’ in Palestine from the western world and got it.
In those early days wars were fought with arrows and swords. When illuminati started spreading over the earth, they had only one target: control of the entire earth. Many kings and kingdoms came and went; dictators become tame, wars were fought and came to an end but every time there has been an increase in the power of Illuminati!
Every powerful regime has “it” as an important component. On both sides of the warring parties it is he; it is with the  believers and the nonbelievers, the people shedding blood and the people creating blood shed. The more the destruction, the more progress of this Illuminati. Journalists; commentators and literary men are known to make mountain out of a molehill. They also can not be blamed because they are not aware of the earth being eclipsed when they themselves are a victim of series of misinformed news. What can they write anyway? Today this “source of light” controls TV and media of most of the countries of the world including our nation.
Traces of ‘Ashknazi’ Jews is found in several European princely families and rich clans but they are no match for Rothschild. Rothschild has attained this position by lies, destruction and murders. Let’s see how this became possible?
In brief it can be explained by the fact that hundreds of years ago, when Akshnazi Jews went to any country, they would make progress by merging their names and way of life with that of ruling class while actually working for their Khajari masters sitting far away. This was also the way adopted by Rothschild.
All Rothschild sired several children so that wherever, whenever needed they had their own people in power. Many people might be known by the name Rothschild but they can’t be related to that Rothschild clan about which we are going to discuss now.
Frankfurt city Germany: In 1743
Akshnazi Jew called Moses Bayer who was a money lender placed a red hexagon symbol on his house. After two hundred years the same, emblem was used on Israel’s flag at Rothschild’s behest.
Bayer called himself Rothschild after his father’s death which in German language means a red ‘sign’. This Rothschild began to lend money to royal families to assemble armies and send them on missions to other countries. After this, in the process of selling valuable ornaments at less rates to army generals, he gained access to their kings. In 1769, after taking permission from German prince, he got written outside his office: “M.A Rothschild, appointed by His Highness Prince William”. Trade with royal families was special because it involved a lot of money and there was no problem of recovering that money.
In 1776 as I have explained earlier Illuminati had planned to control the whole world through fraud and deceit.
Adam Vishupet’s agents entered 32 Fremasons strongholds and gained control of world’s total masonic lodges. Freemasons was a very powerful organization that worked in a secret manner.
In 1777 the secret of Illuminati came to light due to some incident. Baverian government printed their entire nefarious plot and ousted them from the country. It also sent letters to many countries but unfortunately they were not paid heed to.
Illuminati was also responsible for French revolution from 1789 to 1799. A new constitution was passed banning the church to collect taxes.
When George Washington was the U.S. President, permission to open America’s First Bank was granted with the efforts of Hamilton who was very close to Rothschild but the license was only for 20 years.
In 1791 Rothschild writes “I will make and distribute the country’s currency. It does not bother me who writes the laws of this country.”
In 1798, his 21 years old son Nathan Rothschild started banking business in London (England) with his father’s immense wealth.
In 1806 Napoleon was made to issue a threat of eliminating Prince William who fled from Germany to Denmark and gave gold and precious possessions worth 3 million dollars in custody of Rothschild.   
In 1810 after the death (murder) of two independent bankers, Nathan Rothschild was the only banker left in England. He opened another bank in Vienna (Austria).
In 1811, America’s permission to the Rothschild First Bank bank for 20 years came to an end and the right to extend the sanction was taken away by American Senate which irked Nathan Rothchild. He wrote: “Either sanction for my bank will be extended or I shall engage tham in a horrible war and teach a lesson to these donkeys, And soon provoked and funded by Nathan Rothschild, Britain waged war against America. During this time his father Mayer Rothschild dies leaving the following instructions.
“Only male children can be a part of Rothschild trade (total 6 including an illegitimate son). He  had 5 daughters whose progeny must be scattered all over the world but they do not carry Rothschild name.
2. No details of his property shall be revealed ever.
3. The eldest child shall be the head of the family.”
So Nathan became the head and opened another bank in France.
Prince William’s money was never returned. Rothschlid invested this money in East India Company and earned huge profits
1815: All five Rothchild brothers gave gold to Wellington’s army in England and Napoleon’s army in France to prepare for war. Wars are profitable business because an undertaking is signed that all outstanding loans of the defeated party shall be paid by the winning party. So Rothschild’s money was safe on both sides. They had their own super fast fleet of informers who brought frontline news from both sides. Only Rothschild informers had the right to get past both armies unmolsted; no other business organization had this privilege.
In the war of Waterloo, Nathan Rothschild got the news of Napoleon’s defeat 24 hours before the official messenger sent by Wellington. During those days, in London stock exchange British bonds were called Consel. As soon as Nathan got the news he started selling his Consels through his agents. All traders thought that Britain has been defeated so they sold their Consels in the exchange at minimal prices. As soon as Consel hit nadir point, Rothschild’s agents bought them back and when the next day news of Britain’s victory came, the price of Consel soared sky high. Nathan’s each transaction brought him money twenty times over. In this way Rothchild got full financial control of Britain. Only one Bank of England was there which was under the control of Rothschild!
In 1815 Rothschild gave the famous thought: “I’m not bothered about which puppet gets the chance to sit on the English throne, because the sun never sets on the English empire. The person who controls the supply of money controls the British Empire. I came with 20,000 pounds, now I have 50 million pounds”. Truly, by the end of 19th century half of the entire world money belonged to Rothchild clan. It is true even today.
Today’s story is an extension of 1815. But let us understand that all the wars and problems in the world are created by Khajaria impostors Rothschild bankers. They have control over all imperial powers, most of all U.S.A., and get done whatever is their will. If we understand this crux , it becomes easier to understand fully all international wars, upheavels and revolutions during following centruries.
The story after 1815 can wait; today it is sufficient to comprehend that the programme of Illuminati is still going strong. The question one needs to raise is how far is Illuminati responsible for all the incidents and problems both in our own country and in our neighborhood? Are our leaders and public aware of their existance and intent? Who is going to move a stick under the bed to bring out the hiding snake for the safety of our generation ?

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