The 110 storeyed twin towers (1 and 2) of World Trade Center were completed in 1971. For the next two years they maintained the world record of being the highest towers. Five more towers of much less height were also built. One tower no. 7 (47 storeyed ) is important because it is associated with 9/11.
All seven towers were government property. Barely two months before the 9/11 “unfortunate” but very obviously thoroughly planned incident, the government sold these towers to a man called Larry Silverstein, for 400 million dollars. The area of the towers measured in acres. The length and breadth of each tower was uniform 207 feet. As opposed to this a football court is 300 feet long and 180 feet broad . the area of a football ground is 54 thousands sq. feet whereas every tower’s ground area was 43 thousand sq. feet. It can be roughly said that each square tower measuring one football court , having 110 storeys and 1368 feet height seemed to touch the skies. One tower had and additional 400 feet high steel antenna weighing several hundred tones. Inside the towers there were 95 moving lifts. Every one knows how much concrete and steel is used into the walls surrounding the lifts. On the outer facade of this building very big decorative columns of aluminum alloy were fixed. What to say of the inner structure ? Each tower was constructed with 200,000 tonnes of special steel and 400,000 tonnes of concrete with the world’s best technology available at that time.
No common man could enter this building. After a thorough security check, only through one particular lift could a person go to 107th storey to see the view. On a clear day one could look around for 50km stretch. There was a restaurant on that floor too! I happened to pass near these towers 25 years ago. My friends suggested that we should go up but I did not have time. One is in awe of such a huge building. Each tower covered a volume of 6 crore cubic feet. How strong it was is evident from the fact that the special steel girders were 18 inches thick and each extension/wing/projection was 4" thick. Hats off to science and technology due to which such great towers came into existence.
Now let’s talk about that aircraft which we are told was a Boeing 767 that wreaked havoc with the towers. This aircraft is 200 feet long and the width of its wings is 170 feet. Its fuel is in its wings, 30 tonne kerosene oil in each. On full fuel the aircraft can cover a distance of 5000 miles. Total fuel means 60 tonnes. The aircraft weighed 204 tonnes. Now the aircraft of 250 tonnes rammed into a steel and concrete mountain of 6 lakh tonnes. The difference of weight was 4000 times. In other words, one fistful of tonne at the speed of 450 miles rammed into a 4000 tonne mountain, the mountain received the jolt but did not budge from its place. How the building got demolished/dustified as it did on sept, 2001 ?
Now we bring the role of fuel of the aircraft to demolish the building. Fuel is a kin of kerosene oil only which we put in stoves and cook our meals in pans placed on high flames of the stove. Till date no one has seen the pots and pans placed on stove become red and melt with heat of the stove; they seem to be impervious. Now let’s see what’s the effect of heat of stove on concrete. It cannot melt but if heated at a very high temperature, it can disintegrate. The reason is because the little amount of water in concrete changes into stream on boiling and the particles of concrete that came under that pressure disintegrate. Concrete is not as strong as steel but it needs infinitely high heat to disintegrate it. Now think on one hand 6 crore cubic feet building of steel-concrete and on the other 4 tankers full of kerosene oil: the very same tankers we see on roads with this much fuel. Not even one piece of hot iron of the building could melt. It night be possible that concrete may have cracked/broken in places. I am convinced that even if the whole building was filled with fuel inside out, and put on fire, its structure would still be standing in its place. Heat from the fuel is much less than the required degree to make it red hot or melt. You keep one steel spoon on stove to melt the whole day, the spoon will remain intact and the fuel of the stove will finish!
What a strange situation—aircraft hits the building, the building shakes a little but remains stable. 60 tonnes of fuel cannot cause any damage to steel or concrete but still we all saw how the building came crashing towards the ground in less than 10 seconds. 400 feet high steel antenna vanished into the air like steam. Molten steel was lying in small pools which took 2 months to cool. Total concrete not only disintegrated but was reduced to thin ash amidst horrible blasts and covered the city of NewYork. In other words, the building was dustified on its way down, so very little reached the ground. How come such heat was generated that the whole water in 4 lakh tones of concrete exploding under great pressure caused its disintegration within seconds?
How can we solve this mystery? We should first ask the owner of these towers, Larry Silverstein if he staged the whole thing to claim the insurance money!  After pocketing huge profit, the towers are how being reconstructed. How come tower 7 got demolished when it was not even hit by anything like aircraft. Then we should question younger brother of President Bush who was a day before, in charge of security of towers, as to what dangerous plans were being carried out within the towers. Larry Silverstein should also be asked how come anyone dared to demolish his building because only his own company “Controlled Demolition” deals in demolishing high buildings. Government. should be told to ask CIA how it managed beautiful coordination between the ramming of drone aircraft and the planned destruction of towers!
The most interesting thing is that the commission investigating 9/11 planned demolition incident has come to the wise conclusion after several years, that it remains a mystery how the towers came down. And we are living in scientific era of 21st century!

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